Gypaète barbu: Dark Chocolate 70% Cacao with Sesame and Candied Oranges
The gypaète barbu is the bearded vulture, a majestic bird showcased on the packaging of this classical recipe: Candied orange surprising a classical 70% dark chocolate with burst of sweet citrus zests.
Dark Chocolate 70% Cacao with Sesame and Candied Oranges.
Organic, Vegan, Gluten-Free. ℮ 60g.
1 for CHF 5.90 or 4 for CHF 20
Ça Joue for the Gypaète Barbu (Ref-BN7)

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Chocolates Ça Joue are created for you from our chocolate laboratory in Val de Bagnes.
They are little chocolate pleasures boosted with nutritious ingredients that you can take in your pocket for your adventures.

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