Our top notch growing Valais team includes the best of the best in their category

Martin Bender is the local king of freeride skiing who also knows how to ride a bike!
Visit: @martin__bender.
Martin carries a few bars of dark chocolate in his pocket to boost his freeride performances.

Shita is the national queen of the Hérens breed for 2022 and our neighbor. Shita still prefers the rich grass of her Vollèges fields even if she recommends milk chocolate rather than dark chocolate to her breeder Jean-Philippe Terrettaz.

"Ça joue" (It is all good) for the Capra Ibex or Alpine Ibex in Valais, it has been observed up to 3700 meters above sea level. It was already represented in prehistoric caves. It owes its survival in part to the House of Savoy and its protection in the Aosta Valley.

Aurélien Gay, the skimountaineer from Levron, is a record-breaker and a pillar of the Swiss national team. He only aims for the top.

Marius Perraudin from Bruson is a local king of VTT downhill, Verbier is a perfect training ground for Marius. Sky is the limit.

"Ça joue" (It is all good) for the bearded vulture, a wide bird. Its courtship displays, including spectacular two-birds dives, are enough to make even the most daring Wingsuiter couples jealous.

"Ça joue" (It is all good) for the red fox, it is relaxing without wolves, lynxes and bears.

"Ça joue" (It is al good) for the marmot who particularly appreciates Alpine clover to build up reserves before hibernating.

"Ça joue" (It is al good) for the St Bernard, the Great, who embodies dignity, devotion and sacrifice.